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Doc, Flash, Lucky & Red - Pretty Woman


It’s too bad that there is a bit of Germain (tv?) commentary in the middle of this document but it’s so cool to see Washboard Doc (Joseph Doctor), Flash (John Whitner), Lucky (Cab Lucky) and Louisiana Red in action that whose to complain!

That same year – 1980 – they recorded an album: Early Morning Blues on L+R records (LR 42.010).

These days however, it’s not like you can easily find it at your local record shop which is unfortunate but not surprising… So much great music from the past is lost in today’s consumers society.

Updated Oct. 7 ’10 to add: Posted in March, this video disappeared in June and has just been reposted a week ago – which explains the comments – hope it stays up this time!
All the cooler to watch this again since I just received a used copy Washboard Doc’s Lp: Washboard Doc and his “hep” trio (Spivey LP-1021) with these same musicians.

Updated again to add: Unfortunately the newer video has also been removed. Seems a shame that a small document that could possibly get a lot more folks interested in the music is systematically removed from the web. Hopefully these albums will be republished somewhere, sometime.. Meanwhile


  1. hi my name is cab lucky.
    and some one told me that
    they video from early morning.
    is there any way you coul,d
    replace it please thank you very
    much. CAB LUCKY

  2. Hello Cab Lucky,

    Such an honor to have you pass by!

    Unfortunately I can’t help you. As is often the case these days I stumbled on that video by chance and embedded it here to share and in this case (stupid me) did not think to take note of who posted it.
    This morning I search as much as I had time for to see if I could fill in the gap but the YouTube user who I think may have posted the video has had their account suspended (so all the videos they had posted are now unavailable).

    All I can say was that the footage came from a 1980’s German TV program, must exist somewhere and that it’s totally frustrating that it was removed!

    I’m really sorry you weren’t able to watch it.
    Best wishes,

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