
washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

A bout with a bit of self-congratulation!

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Yesterday the vinyl banner I designed and ordered for the band came! I was worried about it because they are 44” × 30” (I stuck my 18 inch Zinc King washboard for scale) and didn’t know if the definitions of my image files was good enough to be blown up to that size. Happily they are since the banner really looks nice! (better than the picture that has the sunlight beaming through the middle and too much shadow)

Even if it doesn’t make that much money, so far this whole store thing has been a positive experience. My writing and spelling skills have improved immensely, and I’m getting a whole lot more out of the image and drawing programs I use.
CBB Vinyl Banner

After the band’s first guitar playing crawfish logo, I’ve made this washboard playing one and am now working on an upright bass and harmonica playing critter. Those should make a few fun logos for the band!

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