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End Of The World?

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In less than an hour the CERN will begin celebrating the firing up of its newest particle accelerator, the LHC (Large Hadron Collider).

Some physicists say that certain experiments that are planed could put the Earth to danger, mainly by creating a black hole that could swallow us all into its gravity well. Of course if that happened we would never know, would we!

On reason that this is interesting to me is because if it actually happened I would share a part, however small, of the responsibility since for the last few year my computer has somehow helped the development of this gigantic scientific tool with the help of BOINC a free utility that uses the idle time on your computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and do many other types of scientific research

Check it out if your computer does have moments of just sitting there doing nothing, why waste it? Your computer could still do something useful since there is no need to panic just yet, if I got it right the first particles that will be sent off today but it will take a couple of weeks for any planed collisions to happen…

Update Sep 20th. It seems that any end of the world activity is delayed for a couple of months after the LHC suffered from a “quench” this morning.

Categories: , | Tags: BOINC (1), CERN (1), LHC (1), other (16)  | Permalink

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