
washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

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31 May 2012
article by Rattlebrained
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Cedell Big G Davis - Slide Blues in Boston 1983 Video

Cedell Big G Davis – Slide Blues in Boston 1983

Back in the days you actually went to a store to buy music, probably as much as 20% of my favorite LPs & CDs came from the bargain bin. 1993’s “Feel like doin’ something wrong” by Cedell Davis was one of those, an incredible album if you tune in to it which, BTW, you can still get over at Fat Possum Records!

Cedell’s guitar sound is raw and some might say

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20 December 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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A Swampy Brew

A little Swamp Train update.

We’ve been practicing new songs. Although in the long term the plan is to be playing a majority of our own tunes with the Blues you have to know the classics so we’ve been working on both.

We finished mixing the album last month and since then I’ve been working on the cover art. And a hard trip it has been to satisfy all the band members, myself included. Fortunately it is coming together nicely now and the end is in sight…

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15 September 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Giez Blues Festival With Big Blowin' Blaze

Spent the last week working on a website for Swamp Train which is one reason this blog has slowed down – it’s not finished but is presentable (I hope), please leave a message if things look weird in your browser – so it was a nice break to join friend Blaise for a gig at the 2nd Festival Blues de Giez. Giez is a small village at the foot of the Swiss Jura mountains not far from Grandson and the festival take place in the village’s ridding school. An old wood building with straw bales, sawdust and a huge “is my back straight” mirror along one of the sides the ring was filled with tables for the pizza and other more local style foods that us blues fan could indulge with while listening to the various bands that played. Blaze and I opened the festivities followed by our friends from Geneva: Floyd Beaumont and the Arkadelphians and then our own (Swamp Train’s) guitarist Mr. CutFinger ; so as you can see we were among family.

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9 June 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Blues Rules Festival #2, A Couple Of Sketches

Rattlebrained Designs has been asked to make/rework some logos for various venues which is great but the extra work, unfortunately, has eaten up the time I usually spend blogging; sorry. No way I’ll manage to catch up on all the main events…

That said, one of those was going to the Blues Rules Festival #2 that took place in Crissier near Lausanne a couple of week ago. It was a two day event but since we (Swamp Train) were playing a the Café Omega that Saturday night I was only able to go Friday and for a regrettably short evening at that.
A couple of weeks earlier when we played in Halten, I had guests over the evening before, a party that lasted far longer that anticipated. Can you fall asleep while playing the drums & washboard?…

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14 April 2011
article by Rattlebrained
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Deep Blues Festival 2011

Received this email the other day:

Dear Deep Blues Fan:

Maybe you’ve already heard, and if not, we think you ought to: the Deep Blues Festival is being revived this year with the blessings of the event’s founder Chris Johnson.

Deep Blues Festival 2011 will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, at the historic Beachland Ballroom on Saturday, July 16, featuring dirty roots music bands from across the country.
The bands, many of whom you already known, will play continuously on two stages from 5 p.m. until closing… etc… etc…

…so I’m passing it on and adding my two cents here…

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