
washboards, rhythm bones, drumming & the blues...

5 January 2010
article by Rattlebrained
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Y'a Pas De Photo!

I’ve been having problems getting good pictures of my latest art works with my aging Olympus C-8080. It just doesn’t have the definition to get all the variations on white these works have to print a large size image. Since funds are low I was curious as to what quality pictures one of those newer “cheep” and portable cameras boasting over 10 mega pixels would have and so it was convenient (to me) that E. had to buy one for her work…

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21 December 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Hello Winter, Going Ons & Hugging Skeletons (Updated)

Haven’t had much time to write lately, one reason was getting the old car up to passing inspection level, since it didn’t pass when I took it over to the canton’s automobile department two weeks ago. Cleaned up some rust and got new snow tires, just in time too with the winter weather finally settling in. Not that I was in a hurry but once you get pass that first foot of snow it’s kind of nice, except for finding a place to park the car; cars & snow don’t always mix very well.

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21 November 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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The Lottery

In my first year at SFAI way back when I had a creative writing class with a great teacher whose name I’ll insert once I find it. He would read short stories, have the class discuss them and would impart wisdom, passion and humor and remains one of my most memorable teachers. The awkwardness of forgetting his name but remembering his voice…

One of these stories was Shirley Jackson's: The Lottery and one of the points was how the author actually tells you the story’s ending in the second paragraph but you don’t actually realize it until the ending… And perhaps that you can only read it once with the innocence of not knowing that end…

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6 July 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Not As Good A Year For Strawberry Preserves

Yesterday E & I spent a couple of hours picking wild strawberries. Unfortunately there weren’t very many to be found so we only managed to pick about 500 grams; half of what we picked last year in about the same time. They’re pretty small, it probably takes between 15 and 25 of them to equal 1 domestic farm grown water filled strawberry but they have so much more taste, almost too much for jam, which nevertheless is what E made with them…

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20 May 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Mid May Musings & A Kazoo Tie

Sorry to not have much to write about at the moment, getting my new store organized is tacking a lot of time and with the art world economics in shambles for lower class artists like myself and the fact that certain Crawfish Blues Band members seem to have better things to do…

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16 April 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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The Snow Burger

After a few “Spring Break” days spent with my folks, here I am back frying my brain with CTR screen radiations…

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7 April 2009
article by Rattlebrained
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Friday Night Bar Crawl

A truly amazing thing has happened this month: public spaces all became non smoking overnight! I was sure that this area would continue to let folks smoke everywhere until the end of time, just two years ago a local restaurant manager was booed out of her job for just thinking such a thing…

But with the help of lovely spring weather there we where Dave and I, in a corner cafe that was packed both in and outside enjoying a glass of wine…

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